Sunday, May 3, 2009

-Obituary of Common Sense

This is a recent segment from Glenn Beck's program on Fox News. I highly suggest that everyone watch the show once in a while, and I recommend his book An Inconvenient Book. It must be understood that Beck is an entertainer, just like all of his fellow pundits, but he really comes off as genuine and as truly believing in what he says.

In this segment Beck talks about common sense. He makes excellent points. In this era of political correctness we have lost all semblance of common sense in our society. It is clear in our schools, in our sources of entertainment, and in our day to day lives. Beck makes an excellent point when he says mentions a burglar suing you for assault that occurred in your own home as the crime was in process.

Common sense would tell you killing any innocent human is wrong.
Common sense would tell you using water to save American lives is not.
Common sense would tell you illegal aliens should not be able to get drivers licenses.

But I suppose common sense is too outdated of a terminology for our progressive nation.

Here are a few samples of what liberals think of Glenn Beck courtesy of

...He's only another right-wing pro-death gas bag. He only serves to advance Neo-con causes, and work continually at hacking away at everyone else. Dirty, vicious, ugly clown. His way of making a living is something a decent person could never find acceptable. He's out there trying to disable dissent.

Glenn Beck is a festering boil on the a** of humanity.

Glenn Beck, freak of nature, perfect fit at Fox.

Glenn Beck is downright scary. He is calling for armed insurrection. Then when violence occurs, M$M like the NY Times, will wring their hands: How did this happen???

Not seeing it. But you can decide.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, that video was the truth. I am a liberal and I found every part of that video true, because I myself have noticed many of the points outlined.
