Thursday, May 7, 2009

-BET Calls Limbaugh a Racist

In an article written by the staff, conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh is said to have "a problem with leading black Republicans." The article cites two examples, one being Republican party chairman Michael Steele's little tiff with Rush, the one is the more recent attacks on Rush by former Secretary of State and "Republican" General Colin Powell.

Yeah, Limbaugh has a problem with leading black Republicans because they aren't conservative or, in Powell's case, Republican by anything but name. There is no doubt Powell is a great American and has done much for this country, but he is doing nothing for the Republican party. Steele started out promising enough, but has quickly digressed into the media and liberal appeasing Republican that plagues the party and who does not have what it takes to challenge Barack Obama. On anything.

"I think what Rush does as an entertainer diminishes the party and intrudes or inserts into our public life a kind of nastiness that we would be better to do without," Powell said.Is there anything really wrong with responding to the attacks made by both Steele and Powell? Maybe if the Republican party stuck to the conservative values of limited government, free market capitalism, and upholding the Constitution, Rush would not have to point out their faults all the time. used the following quote as apparent evidence of Rush's racism. "He's just mad at me because I'm the one person in the country who had the guts to explain his endorsement of Obama," Limbaugh said. "It was purely and solely based on race." I happen to think the reason Powell endorsed Obama and completely turned his back on his own party is because he hold liberal ideologies, and Rush also believes that.

The problem with all these claims is that Rush often praises Clarence Thomas, the second ever African-American Supreme Court judge. Thomas held conservative values, and he believed in the Constitution and while on the bench he upheld it, and Rush mentions him often. In addition to this, Dr. Walter Williams, also black, often has guest appearances on the show. This goes to show that Rush does not have a problem with black people, just fake Republicans. Limbaugh has never attacked anyone for being black, or for promoting a black person to a position of power just because they were black. If he had, he likely would not be on the air anymore. Ask Don Imus.

It's not always about race, BET, stop making it so. Open your minds, right?

reverse racism black african BET obama
Source: Newsbusters

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