Tuesday, May 5, 2009

-Rahm knows where you sleep....

It seems our buddy Rahm Emanuel needs to know exactly where every American lives. The longitude and latitude of your front door exact, with hand held GPS units, presumably run by ACORN. Apparently this is for the U.S. Census in the Commerce Department, but remember President Obama gave Rahm power over the census. I'm sure there is an excellent reason why Rahm Emanuel needs the longitude and latitude over every single home in American at the cost of 700 million taxpayer dollars. Getting the coordinates of literally the front door of every home has absolutely nothing to do with the census no matter how the White House tries to spin it. But no, it isn't a political move. Of course not.

Blogger Douglas Gibbs at American Daily Review had this frighteningly plausible proposition:

"Imagine, if you will, that there are a number of people in a neighborhood that could not find the addresses they are tasked with finding. They are not locals, maybe are unable to read a map, or perhaps do not have the time to pull out a map, and they need to find you with specific GPS coordinates. Their devices would lead them to your front door with these coordinates. Imagine a crisis is afoot, and martial law is put into place. U.S. troops need to round up particular folks," he wrote.

"Let's take this a step further. After all, with Barack Obama desiring to decrease the number of folks in the military, and with forces committed worldwide, we may not have sufficient military forces at home to deal with a rising national emergency. If the government decided to rely on foreign troops, perhaps United Nations personnel, most of which may not understand the street signs, much less know the lay of the land, they could use GPS devices to direct them to your front door," he wrote.

IMAGINE the uproar the media and the left would cause if Bush had implemented this system. It is easy to call this a conspiracy theory, but in all honesty it is hard to believe that the White House would send 140,000 workers costing 700 million dollars out into the streets to get all these coordinates within ninety days, when the census isn't until next year, to make it more cost efficient. What a joke. If you can think of a real possible reason, let me know.

Source: World Net Daily

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