Sunday, May 31, 2009

-CNN: Where Dreams are Made

Here's some CNN for you!

The truth is told about Sotomayor and CNN's Rick Sanchez tries to shout over it.


  1. Thanks -- I know it's not CNN's best news performance, but I do appreciate your putting it up. Do you ever look at the big picture, though? I mean, you obviousy spend a lot of time posting the horrible, terrible doings of the government as it is today. Can't you just accept that Barack Obama will be our president for the next four years and look at some of the better things he's done so far? Yes, I know we're "out of money," as one of your previous posts said, but America's been in debt since long before you or I were born. It's not necessarily Obama's fault that this country has a money deficit. I and others would love it if you would please try to incorporate some of the better things our new government has done thus far.

  2. I watched this video again, and it seems to me that Tancredo makes his point, Sanchez listens to it very well. Then Sanchez tries to say something, and Tancredo keeps interrupting him. Tell me you honestly don't see this.

  3. I'm sorry to crowd this post with comments, but since when is NCLR a "Latino KKK without the hoods or nooses"? Is a Hispanic-American rights group now a terrible thing to be involved in? Would you call the NAACP the same thing?

  4. First off, Nina, you are most definitely correct about the video in that Sanchez did not try to shout over Tancredo, and for my misstatement I apologize.

    My job as I see it, and the job of many other like me, is to point out and to make others aware of the current state of our nation. In my eyes, Barack Obama has done very little worth reporting on this website that has been positive for our nation. And when he does, the media, where the majority of American citizens get their information, will be sure to point it out.

    I will agree with you that La Raza is not at the same level as the KKK as Tancredo said. However, La Raza is not what it is portrayed as. An example of just one incident of La Raza's racist activity is in 1996 when a peaceful group of demonstrators advocating immigration reform were viciously assaulted in an ugly and violent July 4th confrontation in front of the federal building in Westwood, CA. Their assault was perpetrated by an armed mob lead by representatives of La Raza.

    An elderly woman was struck to the ground and mauled, while an elderly gentleman was beaten mercilessly about the head, and escaped only because a city bus pulled to the curb and allowed him to board.

    La Raza isn't the least bit shy about its ultimate goal of annexing the southwestern United States, and reclaiming these states for Mexico. The objects of its plan are New Mexico, Texas, Arizona and California, which together are referred to as "Anlan."

    When La Raza gained control of Crystal City, TX, all "Anglo" public employees lost their jobs, and when La Raza succeeded in winning a judgeship in 1974, all court sessions were conducted in Spanish, while "Anglo" and Hispanic non-supporters were harassed by public officials.

    To call La Raza simply a Hispanic-American rights groups is just plain wrong and misleading.

  5. I would like to add that I appreciate your viewpoints and your coherent responses.
