Friday, June 5, 2009

-Playboy features column on conservative women they want to "hate f****"

A few days ago, recently featured a column called "Conservative women we'd like to “hate-f**k.” Pretty disgusting, but I guess it's okay because they're conservative. It has since been pulled off the site. Here is Megyn Kelly from Fox News, who was on the list, responding on her morning show:

That's not all. The first writer to criticize the story was fired. Caleb Howe was a writer for and was surprised to find that his column had been pulled and was soon informed of his firing.

And for the clincher, Bonnie Erbe a writer for U.S. News (pretty respected publication, right?) Had this to say:

Teri Christoph, whom I have never met, asked me to stand up for conservative women who were maligned by an online article on Playboy magazine’s website. The article has since been taken off the site, but the gist of it was, indeed, disgusting, sexist, of course pornographic, and demeaning to conservative women. The article contained a list of conservative female media commentators whom the author said men would like to, er, have sex with but hate at the same time, or something nonsensical like that. Ms. Christoph sent me a link to a cached page of the now-removed article.

…I also want to note that at least one woman on the list is so venom-spewing, she unfortunately invites venom to be shot back at her: Michelle Malkin. Her posts and her “routine” are so venomous and predictable, in fact, I stopped paying attention to her years ago.

Others on the list, however, are not venom-spewing at all. One woman mentioned on the atlasshrugs2000 blog is a regular guest on my PBS show. Amanda Carpenter, on the show at least, eschews personal judgment of people with whom she disagrees politically. So her inclusion on the Playboy list is much more offensive to me than is the inclusion of Ms. Malkin, although their political views may not differ greatly.

It's pretty disgusting to hear liberals try to justify this. Michelle Malkin, also on the list, had this to say:

Translation: It’s not okay to talk about “hatef**king” conservative women…unless they are rowdy, incivil conservative women who don’t behave nicely enough to be on my obscure PBS show. In which case, they deserve all the vulgar misogynist attacks they get!

Thanks to MichelleMalkin & NewBusters

1 comment:

  1. .
    Conservative women are HOT! Just imagine the justified 'Liberal' outrage if say, 'Hustler' Magazine ran a disgusting parody where Rush, Hannity, Beck, Savage and Ann Coulter gang-raped and tickle-tortured Katie Couric, and then Nancy Pelosi.

    Imagine. The outrage would last for months in the MSM. There would be calls for firings and boycotts. NOW would be apoplectic. Poor little outraged, hypocritical Libs.


    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    joke about raping women

    if they are conservative
    EVIL freedom lovers...

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    always rape women...

    who are conservative
    they're just gender traitors
