Wednesday, June 3, 2009

-Obama's Muslim Apology Tour Begins

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Today Obama commented on the French television network Canal Plus:

"... I think that the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam. And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. And so there's got to be a better dialogue and a better understanding between the two peoples."

First off, Obama is right about one thing: The United States and the West needs to educate itself about Islam. If we they do, they will learn the TRUTH about the religion and what its teachings entail, and we will protect our country and its people from its radical reality.

Obama says we are one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. During his campaign, Barack said that "America is not a Christian nation." But now he feels it is appropriate to refer to the United States as one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. The other side of the coin is that the statement is just inaccurate. Per Wikipedia, the United States is only .8% Muslim, which ranks at 119th of all nations in the world. The United State is home to almost 2,500,000 Muslims, which ranks at 52nd in the world. Barack statement is simply factually inaccurate. How about the president does a little research about the religion of the region he is visiting to try and apologize and appease?

All of this comes after his anger at being referred to by his initials, BHO, (Barack's middle name is Hussein), and after his campaign's extremely successful cover-up of his Muslim father and his Muslim children in Indonesia. Now he is so proud of the suppossed Muslim culture that permeates our country?

No benefit or success will come of this, just further angering many Muslims in the Middle East.


  1. President Obama travels abroad seeking to do the wise thing and bring people together, and yet conservative critics here at home bash him for it?
    Just a reminder, America is NOT a Christian nation. Nor a Muslim one. Nowhere in the Constitution does it state any of that. Yet conservatives look to weave fairy tales and convince everyone this is a Judeo-Christian nation. Nope, Jefferson and the others certainly didn't mention it in the Constitution. In fact, our founding fathers were fleeing religious persecution and are probably spinning in their graves at the notion of these malicious, belligerent rightwing conservatives bashing Muslims directly/indirectly every chance they get.

  2. Obama trying to bring people together in not the problem. Of course that's a great thing that conservatives and liberals alike can agree on, for the most part.

    The problem we have with what Obama has been trying to do is that he has refused to acknowledge all that is wrong with Islam. By no means am I saying all Muslims are a certain way. But if you read the Koran, and study the teachings of Muhammed, you realize that Islam itself is fundamentally flawed, and the radical terrorists within Islam ARE prevalent in the Middle East. If you read this post I wrote after his speech here, you will see the problem we have with what Obama says while trying to bring the world together.

    I never said that American was a Judeo-Christian nation. You are exactly correct. America was founded on freedom of or FROM religion, if that's what is desired. The problem comes in when political correctness takes over, but that subject could fill a book. I merely pointed out that Barack Obama called, for what it was worth, America one of the largest Muslim nations, when in reality that should not matter at all. Ask yourself this: If George Bush, or any Republican for that matter, had said what Obama said, with one word changed:“’And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Christian Americans, we’d be one of the largest Christian countries in the world,’ Mr. Bush said.”

    Not that that would be right to say either. It wouldn't. But you and many of your counterparts would be up in arms about it, so why is it so shocking that the right would be when Obama says it about Islam?
