Wednesday, June 3, 2009

-Another instance of media bias and political correctness

Here's Bret Baier on the coverage by the media and Obama of the Tiller murder vs. the murder of an Army private by a terrorist in Arkansas.

Apparently the life of George Tiller was worth more than the life of this serviceman to Eric Holder, Barack Obama, and the media.

God forbid we offend the Muslim world.

1 comment:

  1. I hear this alot today, FOX news insulting the "Liberal controlled media" on every show. Here is my question to you...„When Bush's approval rating was 90% after 9/11, 75% at the beginning of the Iraq war and 60% when Saddam was captured, WHO CONTROLLED THE MEDIA THEN? Many conservatives today claim that ratings are simply a result of media coverage, as Bill O'Reilly proclaims that on the issues, Americans agree with him, but only support Obama due to media. Using this logic, can i proclaim that favorable media coverage during times of war created way too high of approval ratings for bush, yes i can! So when did the media "switch" form being Conservative controlled to controlled by the liberal, according to your reasoning?
