Thursday, August 6, 2009

-Obama passing new law to allow searching of computers, American media silent.

Pamela at Atlas Shrugs posted a very interesting story earlier...well I suppose interesting might be the wrong way to put it. I'm sick of having to use the word "scary" but this falls into that category unfortunately.

"In extreme secrecy from the public, the Obama administration is hammering out an international treaty with other several other countries and the EU ......under ACTA, the government will get sweeping new powers to search and seize material thought to be in breach of copyright. But why all the secrecy? What it will do on a larger scale is let big brother watch you; however, this time on a completely different level."

"Border guards will be given unprecedented powers to search travelers without warning. They will be able to go through and confiscate any material a person has on their laptop."

"America is being overtaken by a culture of surveillance."

If Bush's Patriot Act was an infringement on freedom, privacy, and your liberty, then what the hell is this? And WHY haven't we heard about this in America? Spread the word on this developing nightmare.

big brother obama government watching you

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