Thursday, August 6, 2009

-Mike Malloy, Liberal talking head, wants Glenn Beck to commit suicide on TV

Mike Malloy, liberal talk radio host and hate speech spewer, let loose a barrage of excrement that would cause any conservative who said it to likely lose their job. In fact, if you can send me in some quotes of a conservative talk radio or television personality who said anything comparable to this on air send it our way.

Liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy lashed out at conservative commentator Glenn Beck, who has a program on the Fox News Channel, saying he hopes Beck commits suicide “on camera,” particularly given that suicide “is rampant in his family” and that Beck apparently is “self-destructive.”

“I have good news to report,” said Malloy on his Aug. 4 radio program. “Glenn Beck appears closer to suicide. I'm hoping that he does it on camera.”

“Suicide is rampant in his family, and given his alcoholism and his tendencies towards self-destruction,” said Malloy, “I am only hoping that when Glenn Beck does put a gun to his head and pulls the trigger, that it’s on television, because somebody will capture it on YouTube and it will be the most popular little piece of video for months.”

Has Glenn Beck ever said anything this vicious or hate filled to anyone?

Source: Radio Equalizer Blog


  1. The liberals can`t handle it when the light of truth is shined upon them. As usual, they resort to name calling and personal attacks. As O`Reilly would say, this guy is a total pinhead!

  2. I think if you put Mike Malloy's brain in a bird the bird would fly backward.
