Friday, January 22, 2010

-Michelle Obama demands sacrifices be made for Health Care...Just not by her.

michelle obama astoria waldorf lunch receipt universal health care

Total Personal Staff members for other first ladies paid by taxpayers:
Mamie Eisenhower: One-- paid for personally out of President's salary.

Jackie Kennedy: One

Roseline Carter: One

Barbara Bush: One

Hilary Clinton: Three

Laura Bush: One

Michele Obama: Twenty-two

Michele Obama's personal staff:

One.. $172,200 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)

Two.. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of
Policy And Projects For The First Lady)

Three.. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House
Social Secretary for Mrs. Obama)

Four.. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications
for the First Lady)

Five.. $100,000 - Winter, Melissa (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First

Six.. $90,000 - Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)

Seven.. $84,000 - Lilyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)

Eight.. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)

Nine.. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Project for the First Lady)

Ten.. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)

Eleven.. $64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B.(Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)

Twelve.. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First

Thirteen.. $60,000 Fitz, Alan O.(Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)

Fourteen.. $57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)

Fifteen... $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady)
Sixteen.. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)

Seventeen.. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)

Eighteen.. $43,000 - Tubman, Samanth a (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)

Nineteen.. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)

Twenty.. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)

Twenty-One.. $35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)

Twenty-Two.. $35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)

Total.. $1,591,200 in annual salaries

Such a sense of entitlement! Which, of course, is the main problem to begin with in this country.

h/t Mike E

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

-Scott Brown!

scott brown massachusetts coakley senate

Monday, January 18, 2010

-Ed Schultz endorses the ACORN method in Massachusetts

Thursday, January 14, 2010

-Hilarious Harry Reid Cartoon

harry reid political cartoon black negro

-Probable Terrorists on Tuesday Detroit Flight

From MyFoxDetroit:

A flight from Amsterdam into Detroit Metropolitan Airport was held on the tarmac after landing because of unruly behavior by some of the passengers.

The source says four men from Saudi Arabia were saying something in Arabic that alarmed four on-board Federal Air Marshals. The Marshals speak Arabic. A decision was made to stop the plane on the tarmac away from the passenger terminal and remove the men from the plane.

Once the men were removed, the rest of passengers were then taken to the terminal for deboarding.

The Transportation Security Administration says the unruly passengers were interviewed by Customs and Border Protection officials.

But the TSA says the passengers were released and no arrests were made.

It's okay, we can just let them go and be on their merry way. Don't these TSA idiots realize that terrorists from MIDDLE EASTERN countries run test runs on these flights, in preparation for any possible attack? I suppose they are just taking after Obama: Don't address it, don't acknowledge it, and definitely don't do anything to stop it.

muslim terrorism jihad radical sharia

Source: Creeping Sharia

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

-Germany has a little Obama to call its own now

germany obama musical
From Yahoo News:

A musical about Barack Obama's "Yes we can" election campaign premieres in Germany this weekend, including love songs by the president to his wife Michelle and duets with Hillary Clinton.

Even John McCain and Sarah Palin are given stage time, with actors portraying the losing Republican candidates and belting out songs on their behalf.

In all, 30 singers, actors and dancers are to perform in the musical "Hope — the Obama Musical Story" when it opens at the Jahrhunderthalle concert hall in Frankfurt in a bilingual mix of English and German. The audience may recognize that many songs quote from the politicians' stump speeches during the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign.

Gross. I would love to find some clips of this debacle.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

-He's Barack Obama, He's Come to Save the Day

Just thought I'd bring back an old classic, since the last month of posting has been sparse:

-Congressional Candidate Scott Brown

"Sit down sir!" Says Scott Brown. Contributions to Mr. Brown can be made here. Make the "Kennedy seat" the people's seat in Massachusetts.

h/t Common Cents

-Rasmussen: 45% Say Random Group from Phone Book Better than Current Congress

thomas jefferson declaration of independence revolution
I say let it happen. From Rasmussen:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 45% of likely U.S. voters now think a group of people selected at random from the phone book would do a better job addressing the nation’s problems than the current Congress. That’s up 12 points from October 2008, just before the last congressional elections. Thirty-six percent (36%) disagree, and another 19% are not sure.

Sixty percent (60%) of voters continue to believe those in Congress are paid too much. This is virtually identical to findings last August. but in October 2008, only 49% felt that way.

Three percent (3%) say members of Congress are paid too little and 28% say Congress’ pay is about right.

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters now say Congress is doing a poor job. That’s the highest negative finding since Rasmussen Reports began surveying on the question in November 2006.

The end is in sight for Democrats. If a Republican majority lets America down in the next two elections, with continued big spending and big government policies, then who knows? In the words of Thomas Jefferson...

"...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

I hope our politicians, both present and future, keep those words in mind.

Source: IHatetheMedia

Saturday, January 9, 2010

-Queen Pelosi's New Jet

nancy pelosi new jet gulfstream

It would seem that Nancy's Gulfstream III, that comes with the Speaker's job just couldn't quite cut it when it came to shuttling back and forth from D.C. to California. Queen Pelosi was aggravated that this little jet had to stop to refuel, so she ordered a 200-seat, USAF C-32, Boeing 757 jet that could get her back to California without stopping.

Since she only works three days a week, this gas guzzling jet gets fueled and she flies home to California every Friday and returns every Monday, at a cost to the taxpayers of about $60,000, one way. That is $480,000 per month and that is an annual cost to us of $5,760,000.

Not to mention her "carbon footprint." Government hypocrisy knows no bounds.

On a tip from Mike E.