Sunday, June 7, 2009

-Egypt rules that its citizens cannot be married to Israelis

radical muslim saying freedom go to hell
From JewishJournal:

After the verdict was read in the Cairo courtroom, Nabih al-Wahsh, an Egyptian attorney, jumped for joy and received an avalanche of telephone calls from friends congratulating him on his latest legal victory. Al-Wahsh has managed to extract a ruling from Egypt’s Administrative Court — which rules in disputes between citizens and the state — that would force the Egyptian government to strip Egyptians married to Israelis of their Egyptian citizenship. The May 19 ruling was met with the cheers of millions in this populous Arab country. “This is an historic ruling,” al-Wahsh said to reporters after the ruling. “Egyptians married to Israelis are dangerous to Egypt’s national security, acting in ways that contradict the constitution of their country and Islamic laws,” he said.
This is the same country that President Obama called "the heart of the Arab world"

The problem with the Muslim world is that we as westerners or as Israelis must tolerate them, but they have to tolerate no one. It's no surprise you won't be hearing about this in the mainstream media. It would be quite embarrassing for President Obama.

"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance." -- Barack Obama, Cairo, June 4, 2009

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