Why does that make a person a racist? Is it sole because they disagree with a minorities view? Minorities always find a way to shut down any opposing view: they pull the race card. At the beginning of Barack Obama’s campaign for the presidency I was swayed by then Senator Obama’s charismatic speeches. Then as I did more research into his policies, I found many policies and plans he would enact if elected that I did not agree with. Over the course of the campaign I found myself being called a racist because I would not vote for Obama. I would engage initially in a friendly debate and ask “Why do you support Senator Obama?” Many responses I received included “He represents change” or “He is such a cool guy.” When I attempted to engage in a debate about his policies and revealed that I disagreed with them, I was immediately accused of being a racist. I disagree with the majority of President Obama’s policies, but I am not a racist. The only race I see is the Human race. A racist would vote for an individual sole on race…as many of the individuals who voted for Senator Obama did. There was a 90% increase in minority voters from the previous election to this one. To them, I am a racist because I disagreed with his policies and the direction he would take our country ….Interesting.
Another statement that drives me crazy that liberals love to use is “How could you not support a public option, or welfare, don’t you want to help out your fellow Americans.” Well of course I want to help out fellow Americans. Anyone who reaches into his own pocket to help out a fellow citizen should be applauded. However it if I was to reach into the pocket of a neighbor and take money to give to the homeless man down the street, I would be arrested for theft. That is essentially what the government is doing and will do with programs such as welfare and a public option.
~Barrett Mays