Friday, July 10, 2009
-Black teen mob attacks white family on Fourth of July
Equal rights for one group, race, or religion means equal rights for all, not just for those that it is chique to support in these days of political correctness that we are living in. Read the below story and try to imagine media/political reaction would be if the races and roles were flipped.
Akron police say they aren't ready to call it a hate crime or a gang initiation.
But to Marty Marshall, his wife and two kids, it seems pretty clear.
It came after a family night of celebrating America and freedom with a fireworks show at Firestone Stadium. Marshall, his family and two friends were gathered outside a friend's home in South Akron.
Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ''This is our world'' and ''This is a black world'' as they confronted Marshall and his family.
The Marshalls, who are white, say the crowd of teens who attacked them and two friends June 27 on Girard Street numbered close to 50. The teens were all black.
''This was almost like being a terrorist act,'' Marshall said. ''And we allow this to go on in our neighborhoods?''
They said it started when one teen, without any words or warning, blindsided and assaulted Marshall's friend as he stood outside with the others.
When Marshall, 39, jumped in, he found himself being attacked by the growing group of teens.
His daughter, Rachel, 15, who weighs about 90 pounds, tried to come to his rescue. The teens pushed her to the ground.
Akron police are investigating. Right now, the case is not being classified as a racial hate crime. There were no other reports of victims assaulted by the group that night.
The department's gang unit is involved in the investigation, police said.
''We don't know if it's a known gang, or just a group of kids,'' police Lt. Rick Edwards said.
The Marshalls say they fear retaliation at home or when they go outside. They are considering arming themselves, but they're concerned about the possible problems that come with guns.
For now, they are hoping police can bring them suspects. They believe they can identify several of the attackers.
''This makes you think about your freedom,'' Marshall said. ''In all reality, where is your freedom when you have this going on?''(emphasis mine)
Now, imagine for a second that it was a group of white teens, shouting white supremacist phrases, attacked a black family on the Fourth of July. An equally heinous crime, of course, as it should be. HOWEVER, the media would play it up and Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and much of the black community would be in an uproar. This is partly because the African-American community has such a strong sense of family and community. Nothing wrong with that. But white folk are too afraid to stand up and say that it is wrong, that if you ARE going to have "hate crimes" and "hate crime legislation" at all, then this is surely a hate crime. They are afraid of repercussions, and many whites are self-righteous and cowardly when it comes to issues of race. The media would be the worst culprit, and the police department, probably for the same reasons listed above.h/t Tony M
-More Obama ogling in France with Sarkozy! The girl in red? She's sixteen.
When in France, enjoy the sights right?
I don't care what ABC says, there's no way Obama didn't sneak a peek at this girl. Sarkozy is absolutely priceless either way. You tell me.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
-Glenn Beck's Nine Principles to Believe In
1. America is good place, not perfect, but good.
2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
3. I must try to be a better, more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and not a guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have. I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree or share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them. They answer to me.
Source: Fox News, h/t Mike B
-Obama's approval ratings in freefall; 38 percent strongly disapprove
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
-Attention craving windbag Al Gore compares fight against global warming to the fight against the Nazis
Al Gore again tried to make people believe him once again about his self-made and highly profitable hoax. Pretty despicable to compare this money grubbing global warming joke to the liberation of the entire European continent from Nazi Germany. Not only that, but is Gore comparing himself to the great Winston Churchill? Not only is he lying to us but he's lying to himself as well. His fellow global warming hysteria promoters at The Times had this to say as well:
Al Gore invoked the spirit of Winston Churchill yesterday when he urged political leaders to follow the example of Britain's wartime leader in the battle against climate change.
The former US Vice-President accused governments around the world of exploiting ignorance about the dangers of global warming to avoid taking difficult decisions.
Speaking in Oxford at the Smith School World Forum on Enterprise and the Environment, sponsored by The Times, Mr Gore said: "Winston Churchill aroused this nation in heroic fashion to save civilisation in World War Two. We have everything we need except political will, but political will is a renewable resource."
Here's Fox News reporting on our pal the Goracle: (If anyone can find another network reporting on this, let us know)
-Obama refuses to admit that the United States won the Cold War
It doesn't get much worse than this. Either this is the ultimate form of political correctness on the part of Obama, or Barack is truly disappointed that the former USSR didn't win because he probably thought they were on the right track with Communism.
-Obama shows more reverence for Russia than for his own country
Here we see our Commander in Chief not putting his hand over his heart for the National Anthem while on the campaign trail from Time magazine.
But apparently Barack is respectful enough and humbled enough by the Tomb of the Unknown (Communist) Soldier in Moscow to put his hand over his heart:
Source: Moonbattery
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
-Quote of the Day: James Madison
James Madison
"Federalist 51"
Monday, July 6, 2009
-Concentration camps for Conservatives!
Impeached Florida judge — now a Democrat Party member of the House of Representatives — Rep. Alcee Hastings introduced what some claim is a disturbing piece of legislation. Hasting's amendment calls for the Attorney General to have discretion over who is called a terrorist and what groups will be treated as terrorist groups.
"This is arguably one of the worst pieces of legislation to come down the pike in a long, long time. In essence Attorney General Eric Holder — a Bill Clinton retread — will have the discretion to label Americans terrorists. Hastings is a dangerous man and should be forced to resign from congress. He's also proposed the creation of "emergency camps" that are nothing more than prisons," warns political strategist Mike Baker.
"This amendment is part and parcel of the trend in this country to suppress dissent by patriots by calling them domestic terrorists," he added.
In an unclassified report entitled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and her agency included the following description of "extremists:"
"Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.
Rep. Alcee Hastings also introduced what many say is another disturbing piece of legislation. That new bill calls for the Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to build at least six facilities that can be designated as "emergency centers. Hastings' rationale for such facilities is to gather and "house" civilians on what are basically detention centers guarded by armed soldiers or paramilitary troops.
The House bill (HR 645) — National Emergency Centers Establishment Act — is not even on the radar of members of the elite media. According to critics of the plan, if passed the government will create camps or centers that by their nature restrict the activities of US citizens herded into them.
This article mentions two ultra liberals of dubious characters: Eric Holder and Alcee Hastings. Let's see what their stories are...
During the Clinton administration, Holder went out of his way to get 16 operatives from the Puerto Rican nationalist terrorist organization pardoned. The FBI had linked FALN to more than 130 bombings, several armed robberies, six slayings and hundreds of injuries.
Alcee Hastings was a federal judge and was accused of conspiring to take bribes. Hastings was impeached by the House in a vote of 413 to 3. Details of that case and more can be read about here.
It seems like a conspiracy theory and it may seem like fear mongering, but there really are people out there who if given the chance would put you locked away, out of the way, for being pro-life or pro second amendment or for small government, there is no denying this fact.
-Democrats lose a 300 page amendment to Cap and Trade bill
House Democrats are not doing their job and are betraying and deceiving the American people with Cap and Trade.
Source: IHatetheMedia